Friday, December 9, 2011

Vision problem or Memory Gap??

I was talking about my food blogging but for now i will tell a story of what just happened today in my entire 26 years of 20/20 vision. Oh gosh, i could say it was so insufferably annoying and overly pissed emotion i ever felt. It is a story of my misplaced maxfactor valentine rose color lipstick. 

Beforehand, i was in the mood of taking some snapshots of myself so i took out all my pile of make ups and shaded my face, etc, then done my self-timered photoshoot of myself ("im a lil' narcissistic").

After a while my flatmates arrived from shopping and all they uttered about was make-ups and when i'm about to brag my MAXfactor lipstick, i cannot find it anywhere. Not under my bed, on my side table, inside the cabinet or drawers until i got pissed that i threw my clothes, perfumes, lotions, etc out from my closet. Like i hoed everything (cabinet, side table, bed and the sofa) i even looked inside my shoes and the funniest, i looked inside the capped camera where the lens is attached, i don't know why, of all, i thought of checking inside the cam, (yeah i know, dimwit..)huf! Every nook and cranny inside my room was checked. My flatmates was also helping me find it. Until Kate (my closest flatmate who's eager to finish the lipstick search coz' she want me to do the penlight photography for her) 
Penlight photography

said, "i think i know where it is" while looking at my scattered make-ups on the bed. She took the box of Givenchy lipshiner and opened it slowly, really slowly like she's not so sure but she thought it was and all of us were looking at her and slowly walk right behind her and sees it. Then i saw the pink label at the bottom, damn its you MAXfactor lipstick. I really wanna squeeze your neck if only you have one, and scold her, "why you did not reach me your fingers and poke me in the eye or on my not-so-big ass when i was standing behind you ". Goodness, i even blamed the unconfirmed ghost roaming around our flat. Because i just want someone to be blamed. I cannot just accept it that i was the one who placed it inside the wrong box. I was so pissed, indescribably pissed. Like, Gggggrrrrr!! Can you feel the aaaarrrgghh! Hate you! It took me an hour to move on.

When it comes to our personal favorite things, we cannot just say, let it gone when it's missing. A big NO. We cannot just self-composed when we are panicking the moment we realize that its gone. Neither, self-control when we are so pissed and all we want to do is throw every things we touched with our hands. And then when the search is done, you'll caught yourself standing in the middle of the mess and got more pissed because your going to rearrange it again the way it was. When supposed to be, today was a rest day.
Huf! Nonetheless, i had a good rest beforehand the mess.

 Well, maybe this kind of crazy situation happens to everyone even how clear your vision or how good your memory. A funny story that could be kept in our box of memory to relate it with friends and family and laugh about it.


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