Saturday, December 17, 2011
aerryll: Home interventions for common colds..
aerryll: Home interventions for common colds..: Headaches, sore throat, sneezing and sniffing? Oh dear, you are just like me inserting tissues in my nostrils to absorb the unstoppable flow...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Home interventions for common colds..
Headaches, sore throat, sneezing and sniffing? Oh dear, you are just like me inserting tissues in my nostrils to absorb the unstoppable flowing of discharges from my nose.
And that is a start of an acute coryza, or more known as common colds. This infection is caused by a self-limiting virus that may last up to 3 weeks. That means there is no cure for this infection but eventually the symptoms will just be resolved. Therefore i would like to share the simple interventions and management for the infection's symptoms manifested by an infected person.
These following interventions are just to relieve and lessen the uncomfortability of symptoms, so, to make you feel at least comfortable.
2.) Valsalva maneuver (with closed mouth and pinched your nose, blow like blowing out discharges from your nose and then swallow) this is to equalize the pressure between your sinuses and ears;
3.) chewing gum (chewing helps release pressure from the ear) it can be done also when your on a plane ride.
Aside from this home interventions, you need to know that is why you acquired this infection because the so called immune system in our body that fights from illnesses brought by harmful microorganisms, is not strong enough to kill them. Due to that reason, immune system must increase its strength. Taking vitamin C improves our physiological fighting system. For a healthy person usually we take 500mg daily as it is the available in the market. Take double dose of it, that makes it 1000mg (if you have colds). Do not take less or more than from these range, 400-1000mg. For those who has kidney problems and iron disorders, ask your doctor first before taking Vitamin C. The right time for taking Vitamin C is 30 minutes before and after meal for well absorption. For additional information, Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, it means it decreases allergic reactions in the body.
And that is a start of an acute coryza, or more known as common colds. This infection is caused by a self-limiting virus that may last up to 3 weeks. That means there is no cure for this infection but eventually the symptoms will just be resolved. Therefore i would like to share the simple interventions and management for the infection's symptoms manifested by an infected person.
These following interventions are just to relieve and lessen the uncomfortability of symptoms, so, to make you feel at least comfortable.
- Headache - usually the ache is on the forehead or just above the eyebrows. Its because of the clogged sinuses. Get a small towel soak it with warm water, place and leave it on your forehead until no warmth felt then soak the towel again. Taking analgesic at the same time can hasten the headache relief. Doing the towel warm therapy will be best effective if your lying on bed and elevate your head with 2 pillows (after a while you'll fall asleep and when you wake up, it feels better). Something warm will make any contracted sinuses or veins to relax, so allows blood flow therefore that makes relief of any pain due to contraction.
- Nasal congestion - or clogged nose may cause also the headache. So i suggest relieve the nasal congestion first. How to do this at home? Half teaspoon of salt mixed on a 250ml warm water, and do nasal wash. Pour the saline on your cupped hand and sniff the water make it sure it went through and blow it out. Do it twice. It will softens the nasal passages allow good breathing and gives the opportunity to blow out the discharges.
- Sore throat - drink lots of fluid, warm tea, lemon, honey and eat fruits like oranges and apple, they contain Vitamin C and Zinc which increases your immune system.
- Fever - analgesics and paracetamol from your physician's prescription and take 8 hours of sleep.
- Tinnitus - buzzing in the ear. Sometimes you'll experience this, especially when there is nasal congestion. There are 3 management for these:
3.) chewing gum (chewing helps release pressure from the ear) it can be done also when your on a plane ride.
Aside from this home interventions, you need to know that is why you acquired this infection because the so called immune system in our body that fights from illnesses brought by harmful microorganisms, is not strong enough to kill them. Due to that reason, immune system must increase its strength. Taking vitamin C improves our physiological fighting system. For a healthy person usually we take 500mg daily as it is the available in the market. Take double dose of it, that makes it 1000mg (if you have colds). Do not take less or more than from these range, 400-1000mg. For those who has kidney problems and iron disorders, ask your doctor first before taking Vitamin C. The right time for taking Vitamin C is 30 minutes before and after meal for well absorption. For additional information, Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, it means it decreases allergic reactions in the body.
My brand name's choice. Fern-C(sodium ascorbate)
Be healthy! Eat healthy!
sniff! sniff!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
aerryll: How to make them like your food?
aerryll: How to make them like your food?: I don't have the right to discuss about the said heading, coz' i am not a chef, neither studied in culinary school. Even though, i think ide...
Monday, December 12, 2011
How to make them like your food?
I don't have the right to discuss about the said heading, coz' i am not a chef, neither studied in culinary school. Though, i think ideas has the right to be told whether from whom's mind it is. I believe experience is great teacher for everyone. That's where my skills developed aside from my elders. Everyone can be a good cook, anyone can be a chef in their homes.
Cooking is a wonderful art where you imagine a variety of ingredients which come from a different flavor and when it's mixed together, amazingly tastes good. Its art is not just about how you plate the dish but on how you create the taste wonderfully. Now a days, for a home cook like me, there are kinds of seasoning available in the market for easy cooking. You just have to sprinkle a little of these seasoning and you'll have a yummy omelet for breakfast. Easy and quick. So, how to make them like your food? A very simple tip, you just need to know their taste bud/sense of taste. Every human is unique so as their taste buds/sense of taste. Some likes a little bit sweet, salty or sour. Others, like a lot of pepper on it. Or sometimes they prefer spicy in every dish they eat. Therefore, with your husband/wife, flatmates, siblings, and family's taste buds preference, remember it always, so whenever they ask you to cook for their favorite meal, i am sure they would always love it.
I love noodles a lot. Any kind of them. My taste bud preference is a little spicy, a whole lime squeezed on it (not lemon, it taste a little bitter), oh how i love paprika, black pepper and fish sauce. hmmmm.. ^_____^
As they say, cook with love.. Ta-ta for now..
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thai chicken noodles |
seafood canton |
I love noodles a lot. Any kind of them. My taste bud preference is a little spicy, a whole lime squeezed on it (not lemon, it taste a little bitter), oh how i love paprika, black pepper and fish sauce. hmmmm.. ^_____^
As they say, cook with love.. Ta-ta for now..
Friday, December 9, 2011
Vision problem or Memory Gap??
I was talking about my food blogging but for now i will tell a story of what just happened today in my entire 26 years of 20/20 vision. Oh gosh, i could say it was so insufferably annoying and overly pissed emotion i ever felt. It is a story of my misplaced maxfactor valentine rose color lipstick.
After a while my flatmates arrived from shopping and all they uttered about was make-ups and when i'm about to brag my MAXfactor lipstick, i cannot find it anywhere. Not under my bed, on my side table, inside the cabinet or drawers until i got pissed that i threw my clothes, perfumes, lotions, etc out from my closet. Like i hoed everything (cabinet, side table, bed and the sofa) i even looked inside my shoes and the funniest, i looked inside the capped camera where the lens is attached, i don't know why, of all, i thought of checking inside the cam, (yeah i know, dimwit..)huf! Every nook and cranny inside my room was checked. My flatmates was also helping me find it. Until Kate (my closest flatmate who's eager to finish the lipstick search coz' she want me to do the penlight photography for her)
Penlight photography |
said, "i think i know where it is" while looking at my scattered make-ups on the bed. She took the box of Givenchy lipshiner and opened it slowly, really slowly like she's not so sure but she thought it was and all of us were looking at her and slowly walk right behind her and sees it. Then i saw the pink label at the bottom, damn its you MAXfactor lipstick. I really wanna squeeze your neck if only you have one, and scold her, "why you did not reach me your fingers and poke me in the eye or on my not-so-big ass when i was standing behind you ". Goodness, i even blamed the unconfirmed ghost roaming around our flat. Because i just want someone to be blamed. I cannot just accept it that i was the one who placed it inside the wrong box. I was so pissed, indescribably pissed. Like, Gggggrrrrr!! Can you feel the aaaarrrgghh! Hate you! It took me an hour to move on.
When it comes to our personal favorite things, we cannot just say, let it gone when it's missing. A big NO. We cannot just self-composed when we are panicking the moment we realize that its gone. Neither, self-control when we are so pissed and all we want to do is throw every things we touched with our hands. And then when the search is done, you'll caught yourself standing in the middle of the mess and got more pissed because your going to rearrange it again the way it was. When supposed to be, today was a rest day.
Well, maybe this kind of crazy situation happens to everyone even how clear your vision or how good your memory. A funny story that could be kept in our box of memory to relate it with friends and family and laugh about it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
AERRYLL---- *ey/ril, means nothing...
For a starter, i think a blogger deserved to "blog" herself/himself (LOL). So, the title above is my name (of course it's not my true name). But hey, I love that name and been using it since when i was high school. The truth is, i just copied this name from an older friend in our school without permission, and waited her to graduate before i started to use this name like when we had our short story writing project, the main character i named was aerryll who lives in a far-flung province and planting "kangkong" (water spinach) for a living. mmmmm, i knoooww, quite rhymed character to its name. Other than these, i usually write this name on my classmate's autograph notebooks, oh yeah! proudly say, i was born in the year of pig 1985. Autograph signing fashion days? two hands up! I was there. Until later on, these social networks was made not to mention from friendster, my space, multiply, now the freakin' famous facebook (well, on FB im using my real name, now. lol), yahoomessenger, and my first email address was on this name also. In fact, i was using this email ad info in my first CV's, oh gosh, they can't even pronounce it correctly. haha.. And if someone was asking my email ad, i have to emphasize each syllables, "ey-ril", and or most of the time spell out, "ey-e-double R-y-double L" huf! Eventhough, i still love this name and i think it suits me.
Yes, I really think so it suits me. ^____^
Well, you know the irony of all these stuff, hiding identity yet showing faces here. haha!
"so what? i love this name, i like to use this name." "So what is it with the real name? i think they're nice too."
That's how my thoughts are working. freakin shallooow. I am not a writer, its not my thing, but i love posting photos that i photographed and talk about them. I think a lot of ideas about food and take photos of them. Sometimes i have a lot of thoughts in my mind that i want to write as a way of my emotional express. I find this site as "thoughts-release-free" since i am not a kind of person who's verbal expressive.
Thanks to my friend, B1 (i'm B2), ripe mango (she has a yellow jacket,mine is green, whaat??so? ahmm,just that..), roommate, for tagging me in this site so she can have a follower, hahahahahahaha! kiddin'.. i love you buguduy (eeeww, pretty ugly name)..
oh hala! enough shallow marshmallow...
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