Tuesday, November 29, 2011

AERRYLL---- *ey/ril, means nothing...

For a starter, i think a blogger deserved to "blog" herself/himself (LOL). So, the title above is my name (of course it's not my true name). But hey, I love that name and been using it since when i was high school. The truth is, i just copied this name from an older friend in our school without permission, and waited her to graduate before i started to use this name like when we had our short story writing project, the main character i named was aerryll who lives in a far-flung province and planting "kangkong" (water spinach) for a living. mmmmm, i knoooww, quite rhymed character to its name. Other than these, i usually write this name on my classmate's autograph notebooks, oh yeah! proudly say, i was born in the year of pig 1985. Autograph signing fashion days? two hands up! I was there. Until later on, these social networks was made not to mention from friendster, my space, multiply, now the freakin' famous facebook (well, on FB im using my real name, now. lol), yahoomessenger, and my first email address was on this name also. In fact, i was using this email ad info in my first CV's, oh gosh, they can't even pronounce it correctly. haha.. And if someone was asking my email ad, i have to emphasize each syllables, "ey-ril"@fuckin.com, and or most of the time spell out, "ey-e-double R-y-double L"@pissed-off.com. huf! Eventhough, i still love this name and i think it suits me. 

Yes, I really think so it suits me. ^____^

Well, you know the irony of all these stuff, hiding identity yet showing faces here. haha! 

"so what? i love this name, i like to use this name." "So what is it with the real name? i think they're nice too." 

That's how my thoughts are working. freakin shallooow. I am not a writer, its not my thing, but i love posting photos that i photographed and talk about them. I think a lot of ideas about food and take photos of them. Sometimes i have a lot of thoughts in my mind that i want to write as a way of my emotional express. I find this site as "thoughts-release-free" since i am not a kind of person who's verbal expressive. 

Thanks to my friend, B1 (i'm B2), ripe mango (she has a yellow jacket,mine is green, whaat??so? ahmm,just that..), roommate,  for tagging me in this site so she can have a follower, hahahahahahaha! kiddin'.. i love you buguduy (eeeww, pretty ugly name)..

oh hala! enough shallow marshmallow...